Jun 14, 2024
Here's the audio of the video interview I conducted with two of Microsoft’s best Developer Advocates, Garry Trinder and Waldeck Mastykarz, where we dive deep into the powerful world of Dev Proxy.
You can watch the full video here: https://youtu.be/BgsdGSinWYM
More information about what we cover is found in the blog...
May 12, 2022
Audio version of video on YouTube.
Microsoft Build is coming up - May 24-26 2022 online at mybuild.microsoft.com.
Here are the links to the sessions mentioned in this episode:
Overview & Catching Up
🟣 Everything new you need to know about Microsoft Teams Platform in 30 minutes or less -
Dec 14, 2021
The European Collaboration Summit and European Cloud Summit 2021 happened November 29th - December 1st 2021 in Düsseldorf, Germany. There were speakers and attendees from all over the world, talking about collaboration, Microsoft 365, as well as cloud technology such as Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud. I was there as...
Nov 26, 2021
Audio version of video on YouTube.
This isn't a typical Weekly Update video, but I wanted to talk about 2 things before the next update, and so it made sense to do another video to talk about them.
Last night was the DevelopHER awards in Cambridge, celebrating women in technology in the East of England. I was there,...