Apr 27, 2018
Audio version of my weekly update video (on YouTube). This week:
Run your app in Teams, but debug locally using ngrok: here’s how
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Microsoft looks to bots to make employees more productive
Announcing: Office 365 endpoint categories and Office 365 IP Address and URL web...
Apr 21, 2018
Audio version of my weekly update video (on YouTube). This week:
New survey explores the changing landscape of teamwork
Skype Room Systems v2 Update
Microsoft's OneNote for Windows 10 to become the default Windows version later this...
Apr 15, 2018
Audio version of my weekly update video (on YouTube). This week:
Apr 6, 2018
Audio version of my weekly update video (on YouTube). This week:
Are you still using Microsoft Bot Framework State Service? You need to read this and act today!
Load solutions faster with Visual Studio 2017 version 15.6
Microsoft End of Life 3rd Party PSTN Audio Conferencing (ACP) for Skype...